Friday, September 26, 2008

What's up?

It's morning! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and I am curled up in my bed groaning and pulling the covers over my head.

Lovely image.

Been waking up increasingly early these days. I think it's the subconscious feeilng that I need to get up and "do" something, although I usually end up slouching over my laptop and doing some nonsensical, non-productive things anyway. Which is rather ironic because I get sleepy around noon again and continue to be unproductive anyway.

I had fun last night dancing. It didn't rain (According to the Jo-N forecast which insisted that if she says it won't rain, then it won't rain. Wow, dear, you can control the weather!) and we all had a fun time on the rooftop dancing and having barbeque dinner. Michelle had an obsession with the barbequed chicken wings, I found out Jo can really shake his hips, and I felt underdressed. Anyway thanks to everyone for making it happen, and especially to my friends who made the night really fun.

And yes, somehow I was really blue yesterday, as in literally. I wore a blue top and blue yoga pants, then later changed into a blue dress. Reflecting my mood? Haha, depends on how you look at it.

Hm, a week's break for assignments and getting my arse into gear for studying for the finals. I shall punctuate that with some shopping, doing the "blues" and making jokes about sharks. I know this post is rather narcissitic... I guess I'll be more philisophical and deep the next post or something, if I ever get to that stage.

Right now I shall just enjoy the laziness of a Saturday morning.

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