It all began on a mundane Tuesday morning, when all seemed well. After lunch, I headed towards the lecture theater, deciding to take a detour off to the restroom before attending class, since Peggy was heading there as well.
All was well.
Until my handphone dropped into the toilet.
It dropped with a few hollow clangs, each one reverberating along with the pain in my heart as I yelled "Oh my God!" to the whole world (actually just the whole female toilet), disappearing into the disgusting depths, never to be seen again.
I wasn't making a call. I wasn't even texting or... whatever you can do with your phone in the toilet. That's just so unhygenic. I left it in my pocket and it fell out. Just like that. Straight down and bye bye.
That was it: my barely six month old phone was lost in the stinky bowels of the university sewage system.
On a side note, I wouldn't have known whether to laugh or cry if the toilet started singing "Run" by Leona Lewis.
Anyway I've gotten a new phone, courtesy of my mum who didn't nag me too much about losing the almost-new phone.
Ta-da. The new phone.
And I'm gonna probably spend some time next week choreographing a dance with my partner in which I'm the guy for an upcoming dinner and dance thingy we're having. Who says life isn't interesting? =)