Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lucky much?

Okay, how could I have forgotten this. It's a story. A story that I could tell to my children and my children's children and their children's children's children. Well, not really. But it's a story nonetheless.

It all began on a mundane Tuesday morning, when all seemed well. After lunch, I headed towards the lecture theater, deciding to take a detour off to the restroom before attending class, since Peggy was heading there as well.

All was well.

Until my handphone dropped into the toilet.

It dropped with a few hollow clangs, each one reverberating along with the pain in my heart as I yelled "Oh my God!" to the whole world (actually just the whole female toilet), disappearing into the disgusting depths, never to be seen again.

I wasn't making a call. I wasn't even texting or... whatever you can do with your phone in the toilet. That's just so unhygenic. I left it in my pocket and it fell out. Just like that. Straight down and bye bye.

That was it: my barely six month old phone was lost in the stinky bowels of the university sewage system.

On a side note, I wouldn't have known whether to laugh or cry if the toilet started singing "Run" by Leona Lewis.

Anyway I've gotten a new phone, courtesy of my mum who didn't nag me too much about losing the almost-new phone.

Ta-da. The new phone.

And I'm gonna probably spend some time next week choreographing a dance with my partner in which I'm the guy for an upcoming dinner and dance thingy we're having. Who says life isn't interesting? =)

Lack of updates, meh?

It took me about three tries to get my username and password right... but here I am! At least it's the internet, not the ATM machine. I would've gotten my card chewed up already.

And... it's kinda sad to say that I can't seem to think of anything interesting to blog about even though my last post was ages ago. Everything's been pretty routine and busy at the same time. Wake up, go to lectures, hang around with my friends, go home, do some work/stuff/whatever I feel like doing at that time, sleep. Wash, rinse, repeat. I guess some outings, dance class and church would be how I fill my weekends. What is life? Workload may be annoying at times, but still, I think life's treating my fairly well at the moment.

Oh yes, I've been facebooking a lot recently. A lot comparatively to last year whereby I log in to receive an event invitation that passed a month ago. Yes, I was that bad. But now I have joined the social network that the whole world's addicted to! Besides, it's also a useful tool for stalking... mean, keeping in touch with what's going on with my friends. It's also a source for a lot of casual games to waste your time with... which is sort of evil even though I still seem to be going back to it again and again. Facebook is teh ebil.

Current goals:
1. To not get any fatter than I am now
2. To learn how to use Adobe Illustrator and improve my graphic designing skills
3. To maintain my grades
4. To try to not let myself down as well as other people

And thus this concludes my pictureless update.